Sideline Rule
Impacts: Coaches, Teams, and Parents
Divisions: U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U14, U18
Parents, families, and fans are to sit along opposite side of coaches and teams behind the spectator line.
Additional information:
- Coaches choose a half upon arrival to the field and place their teams' equipment, etc
- If both coaches want the same half, then the ruling will be to take the half which has the goal they will defend first.
- The game will not start nutil all fans are on one side and each team is on their own half.
- The referee(s) may stop play if a coach crosses the center line.
- It does not matter which side of the field is occupied by the teams/fans. The diagram is an example only.
This rule does not apply to the U5 or U6 divisions.